And so this is my Feb events (: There's like a hold long list man.
Feb 4th
It was my college's friend birthday. After class we went back to their apartment nearby college then we cook spaghetti for dinner. Hee (: Just chill and take pictures.
Happy Birthday Ann Nee
Feb 6th
Today we had fellowship in church and also farewell for Josh. The theme was red, black or gold. Totally went not on theme man. Heee (: There was like a whole lot of food man I tell you. Potluck from everybody who came. Seriously pig out man.
All the best Josh!
Feb 7th
It's Ivy's birthday!!! Heee (: And so while the girl was at her cousin's house practicing her dance we peeps gathered at her house already waiting for her to arrive. We all went to the park downstairs to surprise her. Haha got hot guy says Caren. Heee :D Anyway hope you had a blast yeah!!!
Feb 9th
So before I went back to Ipoh for cny and I started my holiday already so I went out with wife to do some shopping :D I drove there with my aunt cause she wanted to walk around too. Whee!!! We totally spent our time in cotton on and vincci man. Lolz! When we finally decided to eat cause we were too hungry to continue to walk around shopping. Eat cheap. Lolz! We ate at A&W. Shopping with you can go crazy man. Heee (: We husband wife got common interest . Haha!!
Feb 11th
Went out with yo before the week of holiday man ((: Suppose to eat steamboat but then shop close so in the end ate yong tau foo. Came back my house chill and watch couples retreat but some people had to rush out cause of Jamie's birthday. Hmph!!! Enjoy the smoothie yeah.
Then came Chinese New Year (: Ang Pow!! Oh yeah when my bro came back my aunt came back also as a surprise. So it was very happening back in Ipoh. Then one of the day I drove to Kampar using the old trunk road and then coming back I had a thrill on the north south highway. Heee! Then on another day we drove to Tanjung Tuala and Tronoh using old trunk road too. Sho cool practicing my driving man.
And now college starts. Still so holiday mood laaa.
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